CCS - Carroll Construction Supply
CCS stands for Carroll Construction Supply
Here you will find, what does CCS stand for in Construction under Industry category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Carroll Construction Supply? Carroll Construction Supply can be abbreviated as CCS What does CCS stand for? CCS stands for Carroll Construction Supply. What does Carroll Construction Supply mean?The United States based company is located in Ottumwa, Iowa engaged in construction industry.
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Alternative definitions of CCS
- Certified Coding Specialist
- Campus Computing Sites
- Caracas, Venezuela
- Canadian Cancer Society
- Card Captor Sakura
- Common Channel Signaling
- Common Channel Signaling
- Certified Coding Specialist
View 678 other definitions of CCS on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- CFEA Central Florida Expressway Authority
- CLI Chem Link Inc.
- CFSGL Cash Financial Services Group Limited
- CAFI Charities Aid Foundation India
- CSD Coleman School District
- CSB Commercial State Bank
- CCNU Central China Normal University
- CRCS Community Roots Charter School
- CCNB Conservation Corps North Bay
- CCBT Capital City Bank Topeka
- CCSC Cape Cod Sea Camps
- CBC Carmel Baptist Church
- CSG China South Glass
- CJ City of Jeffersonville
- CGC Corporate Graphics Commercial
- CBL Carlisle Brass Ltd
- CCU Community Credit Union
- COC Christian Opportunity Center
- CRL Cohesion Recruitment Ltd
- CCS Challenge Community Services